1. I was bored.
2. I saw some other guy do this.
3. It seems fun.
4. For people's amusement.
5. I was out of school.
6. My father wanted me to do something for the summer.
7. I bet your father is like that too.
8. Wait a minute, that has nothing to do with what I'm writing about.
9. Niether was that.
10. Or that...
11. Ok, I'll get back to the subject.
12. To try another attempt to stop world hunger.
13. To try another attempt to save the world.
14. To test my will.
15. You should try this to.
16. To show that there will be three number sixteens.
16. To show that there will be three number sixteens.
16. To show that there will be three number sixteens.
17. I have an hour to spend.
19. I forgot number eighteen.
18. Nevermind, here it is.
20. I was bored.
21. I know that was already up there.
22. I just guess that's just a great reason.
23. Some kid in Africa is starving.
24. I just found out how to create a web page.
25. I borrowed that from the library today.
26. You should check that place out.
27. They let you take the books home... for FREE!!!
28. No reason
29. No seriously, I have no reason.
30. E-mail me and help me find a reason for number twenty-eight.
31. It seems like a long way to number one hundered and fifty.
32. YEAH! this is full of mIssspelled words and wrong;y capitiliztion ands gramer.
33. ...
34. ...
35. ...
36. zzzzzzzzzzZZZZZzzzZzz...
37. ....
47. Oh my gosh! I missed 38- 46!!!:0
48. I fell asleep!
49. Oh well.
50. Your still reading?!
51. Thanks!
52. And special thanks to Tripod! represent!!!
53. Anyways back to the subject after 26 reasons that make no sense...
54. I wanted to fill up the World Wide Web with even more useless junk.
55. I thought it would be fun.
56. There are 150 Pokemon.
57. I wanted to prove something.
58. I want to be another useless page.
59. My friends are having fun watching me make this page.
60. I want to kill.
61. You'll recognize me from America's Most Wanted.
62. Those last two statements were lies.
63. In fact this whole page is a lie.
64. Number 63 was a lie.
65. Only numbers 60 and 61 were lies.
66. If this number had one more six it would be satan.
67. No reason here either.
68. *%@$ why won't this madness end?!
69. Did you find a reason for number 28 yet?
70. You should have.
71. It's been an awfully long time.
72. The time now is 5:46pm in LA, CA.
73. Well at least at that time.
74. If you're looking for internet graphics this is not the place.
75. No Java.
76. No Java Script.
77. No Media.
78. No Audio.
79. No Animation.
80. No Features.
81. No Backgrounds.
82. No Directory.
83. No Bullets.
84. No Hyperlinks.
85. Almost 96% of the people who came here probably exited by the way.
86. Halley's Comet will come back soon.
87. We'll be waiting for the Milleniums to come.
88. My life is devoted to wasting your time.
89. You won't find anything here.
90. I don't have the anwer to life.
91. I lied again.
92. I'm Korean.
93. I'm stupid.
94. Ha! I lied again.
95. Or am I?
96. This has to be the best way to waste time.
97. Please, recommend this to your friends.
98. Degrees
99. Everybody likes them...
100. Don't ask me, I'm just typing.
101. There are 101 Dalmations.
102. This is hard.
103. Everything here are reasons.
104. Even that one.
105. This is a great way to waste your time.
106. You should recommend this to your friends.
107. If I don't waste your time, I will refund back your time doubled.
108. You CAN split a photon.
109. Columbus came to America in 1492.
110. I wouldn't be too sure of that...
111. Wow, we passed 110.
112. You should congradulate yourself.
113. Ya'know... staying this long.
114. Withstanding the pain.
115. The sufffering.
116. I got to hand it to you.
117. You did a nice job.
118. Here, have a drink.
119. You don't drink?
120. Well, have a nice Zima then.
121. You got past another reason.
122. Look, you got past another reason.
123. This reason number is consecutive.
124. This takes a mighty long time.
125. Yes indeed.
126. A very, very, very long time.
127. Have you ever rode a girrafe?
128. Oh, neither have I.
129. Is your computer on?
130. You better turn it off if it is.
131. Go on, turn it off.
132. Did you turn it off?
133. Good.
134. Alright, all of the idiots who were reading this is gone.
135. Only the intellectual people are here now.
136. Oh Christ!
137. Are you still here?!
138. I thought I told you to turn off your computer?!
139. People these days.
140. Well, I guess it's time to say my goodbyes.
141. It's been a nice time talking with you.
142. I didn't hear much from you but I sure talked a lot.
143. So until we meet a again...
144. Bye!
145. Saianara!
146. Adios!
147. Oh yeah, one more thing.
148. There was a reason for all of this madness.
149. You know what the reason was?
150. My homepage
© Copyright 1998 Paul Yoon inc.