Approach me | KUM HIA |
Stupid fellow | DUM GAI
Small horse | TAI NI PO NI
Prices are too high here | NOH BAI DAM TING
Miami vacationing agrees with you | YU MAI TI TAN
I bumped into a coffee table | AI BANG MAI NI
Have you considered a facelift? | CHIN TU FAT
Are you trying to save electricity? | WAI SO DIM?
Inquiry to determine if bus is due | HAO LONG WEI TING?
Plaything belonging to ancient emperor | MING TOY
Tow away zone | NOH PAH KING
How about staying awhile | WAI GOH NAO?
Our meeting was for next Thursday | WAI YU KUM NAO?
They are approaching | HIA DEI KUM
Remain out of sight | LEI LOH
Cleaning automobile | WA SHING KAH
Did someone fertilize the field? | HU FLUNG DUNG?
Your body odor is offensive | SHU MAN GOH
Your body odor is offensive (II) | YU STINKI PU
Midnight television program | LEI TSHO
Are you harboring a fugitive? | HU YU HAI DING?
Did you go to the beach? | WAI YU SO TAN?
Has your flight been delayed? | HAO LONG WEI TING?
That was an unauthorized execution | LIN CHING
I thought you were on a diet | WAI YU MUN CHING?
Do you know the lyrics to the Macarena? | WAI YU SING DUM SONG?
You are not very bright | WAI YU SO DIM?
I got this for free | AI NO PEI
I am not guilty | WAI HANG MI?