The Fear of Everything Else
Aibohphobia is the fear of palindromes.
Alektorophobiathe fear of chickens.
Alliumphobia is the fear of garlic.
Androphobia is the fear of men.
Anglophobia is the fear of England or English culture.
Apeirophobia is the fear of infinity.
Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of getting peanut butter stuck on the roof of our mouth.
Atelophobia is the fear of imperfection.
Auroraphobia is the fear of the Northern Lights.
Autophobia is the fear of references to oneself.
Barophobia is the fear of gravity.
Bibliophobia is the fear of books.
Bogyphobia is the fear of bogies or the bogeyman.
Bolshephobia is the fear of Bolsheviks.
Carcinomaphbia is the fear of cancer.
Chaetophobia is the fear of hair.
Cyberphobia is the fear of computers or working on computers.
Coulrophobia is the fear of clowns.
Defecaloesioephobia is the fear of painful bowel movements.
Decidophobia is the fear of making decisions.
Diplophobia is the fear of double vision.
Dutchphobia is the fear of the Dutch.
Francophobia is the fear of France or French culture.
Gamaphobia is the fear of legs.
Geniophobia is the fear of chins.
Genuphobia is the fear of knees.
Germanophobia is the fear of Germany or German culture.
Geumaphobia is the fear of taste.
Gnosiophobia is the fear of knowledge.
Gynephobia is the fear of women.
Hellenologophobia is the fear of Greek terms or complex scientific terminology.
Hippophobia is the fear of horses.
Homilophobia is the fear of sermons.
Homonecrobestialpeladomalaxophobia is the fear of foreplay and intercourse with samesex, bald, dead, animals.
Ideophobia is the fear of ideas.
Japanophobia is the fear of the Japanese.
Koinoniphobia is the fear of rooms.
Koniophobia is the fear of dust.
Lachanophobia is the fear of vegetables.
Leprophobia is the fear of lepers or leprosy.
Leukophobia is the fear of the color white.
Liticaphobia is the fear of lawsuits.
Logophobia is the fear of words.
Lutraphobia is the fear of otters.
Macrophobia is the fear of long waits.
Melissophobia is the fear of bees.
Meteorophobia is the fear of meteors .
Microphobia is the fear of small things.
Mnemophobia is the fear of memories.
Monophobia is the fear of being alone.
Mycophobia is the fear of aversion to mushrooms.
Myxophobia is the fear of slimy things.
Nebulaphobia is the fear of fog.
Nephophobia is the fear of clouds.
Nomatophobia is the fear of names.
Numerophobia is the fear of numbers.
Ochophobia is the fear of vehicles.
Odontophobia is the fear of dental surgery or teeth.
Ommetaphobia is the fear of eyes.
Pagophobia is the fear of ice or frost.
Panophobia is the fear of everything.
Paprophobia is the fear of paper.
Paraskavedekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th.
Peladophobia is the fear of bald people.
Phagophobia is the fear of swallowing or of eating or of being eaten.
Phalacrophobia is the fear of becoming bald.
Philosophobia is the fear of philosophy.
Phobophobia is the fear of fear.
Phonophobia is the fear of noise.
Plutophobia is the fear of wealth.
Pnigophobia is the fear of choking on fish bones.
Politicophobia is the fear or abnormal dislike of polititions.
Pteronophobia is the fear of being tickled with feathers.
Ranidaphobia is the fear of frogs.
Rectophobia is the fear of the rectum or rectal diseases.
Russophobia is the fear of Russians.
Scatophobia is the fear of fecal matter.
Siderodromophobia is the fear of trains.
Sinophobia is the fear of the Chinese.
Somniphobia is the fear of sleep.
Staurophobia is the fear of crosses or the crucifix.
Symbolophobia is the fear of symbolism.
Symmetrophobia is the fear of symmetry.
Syngenesophobia is the fear of relatives.
Tachophobia is the fear of speed.
Taeniophobia is the fear of tapeworms.
Taurophobia is the fear of bulls.
Tetanophobia is the fear of tetanus or lockjaw.
Thanatophobia is the fear of death.
Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number 13.
Triskadakaclaustrohermaphrobihomohemopyrobestialnecropheliaphobia is the fear of being a hermaphrodite and having sex with more than one dead flaming
bloody hermaphrodite animals in thirteen small water filled rooms.
Tonsurophobia is the fear of haircuts.
Uranophobia is the fear of urine or urinating.
Walloonphobia is the fear of the Walloons.
Wicaphobia is the fear of witches and witchcraft.
Xanthophobia is the fear of the color yellow.
Xenophobia is the fear of strangers or foreigners.
Zelophobia is the fear of jealousy.
Zoophobia is the fear of animals.
Zemmiphobia is the fear of the great mole rat.
Idontgivadamnaphobia is the fear of a Useless Website
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