This section is quite new at the moment. I'll be posting up odd things that happen in my days of life people's lives (including mine), or just mindless whining about anything. I'm glad everyone is thrilled.
January 16, 2002
Hey Bill, let's go eat at the Happy Taco!
Alright, so I was driving down Delmar the other day heading to the U-city loop, and I saw the dumbest resteraunt ever!!! It was called "The Happy Taco". The Happy Taco?!?!?!?! What is that?!?!? Like they really know if the taco is happy, I bet they've never asked. Personally, if I was a taco, and someone was about to eat me, I don't think I'd be too happy. I'd be Scared. Now a much more correct name for the resteraunt would be "The Terrified Taco". don't you think?(Definately) Because how sick is it to call a terrified taco a happy one? I mean, not like a Taco has feelings and emotions or anything, I've never asked one, so I don't know, but the least they could do is ask. It's like going into a seafood restraunt and watching the lobsters swimming around in their little aquarium having no idea of the future that lies before's sad. I wouldn't call those lobsters happy.
Poor little lobster. *sniff* ;*(
January 9, 2002
Here she is again folks.
pauL~ i got jokez!! moohahaha~
Q: wass cheese dat isn't yoorz?
Q: why did PigLet stare into the toiLet?
Q: wat did *sushi A* sai to *Sushi B*?
(You gotta be Korean to understand the next "joke")
LoL... rn'tdey funniee? hehe
... =|
I gots nothin to do...nothin to do...crap its late...12:12am
*BURP* Man if your readin this ur either really divoted to da site or...really...dunno
Why the *ell am I doin this...whats gotten into my peee brained head...hmmm I wonder what the alphabete looks like backwards....
eh hem ::
zyxwa;ljfa d too DIFFICULT. Ever wonda? Wonder? lez c how little I can type. hm difficult. But so is breathing when your tired...
Ok...wanna hear an embarrassing story?
here goes....ya know what embarrassing only works if you live in the moment...if You live in the past your fixed on a either good or bad memory. If your planning for the future...your greedy. my opinion at least...sayz on the site I can make this as long as I want...GEHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAAHAHHAAHHAAHHA
Why botha...sometimes were worse than the animals...thwret zs;lakjega;lekjga;oeijha;eoihj;oeairvajoe[nb386pb98qyn63pb86y-m3b6-93qmn84y6mn...USELESS RANT SEESH USELESS WIZARD EDIT THIS! Whats really on my mind right now is me...damn I'm selfish...(Sheild your eyes kiddies) I wish I could think of something interesting to say. But I cant...why the hell did...dont wanna go into that. Pity. Is a virtue we no I dont need but want..
here it is folks...the juice of the rant:
Think of something anything a material a person. Yourself. Religion. crush's? And choose which one that if you were to survive some horrible fire or disastor. You would die Emotionally with out and DONT CHOOSE FOOD!
^^ lol I like that LOL LAMO I really like that, The Useless Person.
? Enjoy ?
Hmm.. Yeah, ok. Aaron, next time you write something, lay off the weed or whatever you smoke in the desert.
December 27, 2001
Where has this guy been?
What is with everybody keeping each other moving? I mean in those car commercials they're all like "Keep America Rolling!" and on the police cars and meter maids are all like "Keeping LA Moving." Why can't we just stop for a minute, huh? I mean come on, we don't need no stinkin' cops!
Yes. I completely understand.
November 18, 2001
Oh, what will we do without her?
hEy~ uMm... iM bOrEd nD i wAs cHeCkiN oUt evEribOdiEe's sitE.. nD Like
*wAtz rOuND nD rEd dAt gOs uP nD dOwn??* *cRaMbErRiEe iN eLevAtoR* ...
nD dAt jOke wAs sUpPoSe 2 bE fUnNiEe sHe sAiD... HEheHE... aNoThEr
*gUeSs wAt??* *tUrKy bUtT~!!!*
hAhahahHAh.. i jUsS mAde dAt uP..... iM sOrRiEe....
Q:*6-2 mO yA??*
hHAhHAHHAhAh.. gET iT?? gET iT???? LOL...
*BriTinEy SpeArs=cOmpUtEr..... iTs wHiTe nD pLaStiC....*
nD dA LaSt jOke...
Q: *hOo iS THE sPeciAL pErsOn evEribOdiEe LikEs??*
dAt wAs a jOke.... hheehHEhe.... bUh iTz a TURE joKe... hHAhHA.. jP
OOo.. tHiS iZ C*****a.. iF yOo dOn rEmEmbEr.... bBai~
I'll give you a hint: She wasted hours by clicking on my bell "jus to see wut happens". ;].
November 8, 2001
Our first viewer rant!
["kiwi" writes on October 31, 2001]
You seem to be very demanding ;?
October 18, 2001
Why can't they make Instant Noodles more instant? I mean, first, you have to wait for the hot water to boil which takes like 5 minutes, and then, you need to wait another 3 minutes for the water to swell up the dried noodles. Maybe I'm just not patient, but when I'm hungry, I don't like to wait too long for food. |
I want to rant!
Your rants can be as long or short as you like. Language may be edited for content. (Well, probably not, but let's keep in mind that there might be kiddies around.)