Useless Stories

Useless Stories

Here is a section that aren't really lists. They still will make anyone laugh. So check these 'Useless' stories out and see what you think:

  • I Like Monkeys. ---- I like monkeys. Do you?
  • A Candy Story. ---- A candy story not for kids.
  • The New Priest. ---- I'm just glad he didn't do anything else.
  • Memo to all students. --- This is a very important memo from the school board.
  • One for you, One for me. --- Ever wonder what God does on his spare time?
  • I Am Spam, Spam I Am. --- Here's a nice little Dr. Seuss spoof.
  • Amish Transformation. --- What happens when an Amish father and son take a visit to an urban mall?
  • Thirteen, Thirteen, Thirteen. --- Never mess with old people when they have spare time.
  • Mischievous Child. --- I bet the father got fired the very next day.
  • Still a Virgin. --- Hey, 11th time's the charm.
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